This track repave was one of the few times, that did not get damaged the first time they put cars on it. The track was paved in the fall and remained closed till early spring.


When a track is used for racing it will be subjected to high lateral loads.  This load will cause the track to deteriorate over several years.  The track will need to be repaved as needed.  Repaving must be done properly, or the finished results will be unacceptable.  Listed below are several steps that must be taken to help insure a proper repaving job.

Any portion of the track surface, which is to be milled, must be cleaned properly.

The area must be swept clean of all loose particles

The area must be blown clean of all dust with air hose

The tack coat

The entire area to be repaved must be clean, dry and dust free

The entire area will be primer coated with one coat of AC30 or equivalent 400 to 500's per square yard.

Trucks are not to drive on the tack coat

Paving material,

3/8"aggregate Granite, limestone, or slag

Two grade of sand

6% liquid of which 50% is modified polymer

Stability strength 4000psi or better

80% or better voids filled

Tolerance 1/4" per 10 ft.

The material must be at least 300 degrees when loaded in paver


An MTV will be used to handle the material before loading into paver, to prevent bumping and ridges

Minimum 3 ton low profile rollers with nuclear gauge and operator will be used

1.5" material applied and rolled to 1.25"

Tracks with a width of less than 36ft.

The material will be applied in two lays of about 18ft each or ½ of track width.

Tracks wider than 36 ft three lays may be used of about 1/3 track width

All butt seams will be on a 45 degree angle. 

Kicking lay joints are to be avoided

Follow up 

For each of 7 days following completion of paving the track will be rolled with a rubber tired roller. 

This will be done at midday 

Max speed of roller is 5 mph 

In super elevated turns the track will be rolled from the bottom to top